19 February 2022

Teacher Training Module - Start Level (Level 1.1)

About a workshop

Training modules are dedicated entirely to learning teaching methods and tools. We offer training modules both in-person and online, and in both cases, it’s a highly immersive process that requires a lot of focus and provides opportunities for getting familiar and bonding with future colleagues from different cities and countries.

We are proud that we are able to keep our groups small and offer personal attention to each of our trainees. It is not uncommon that we have a student to teacher ratio of 3:1 or even lower. We even decide on whether to hold our modules online or in-person and the specific location of the modules after consulting our trainees. This also helps reduce the need for international travel.

Level 1.1 (‘Start’): Entitles you to teach open freedomDANCE classes of up to one hour in duration using our freedomDANCE Cycle Map and freedomDANCE Body Map.

Main topics covered in this module:

• Ideas underlying the practice • Use of frameworks (‘maps’) in teaching • freedomDANCE Cycle framework • Class format & structure and how it depends on who is in the room • freedomDANCE Body Map • The practice of giving instructions focusing on the
parts of the body • The practice of presenting a framework in a class • Ending a class • Music as teacher’s instrument • Ethical standards • Safety and first aid • freedomDANCE School culture and structure dynamic self-governance • ICMTA and its accredited schools • Preparation for transitioning into a new role • Closing ceremony

Come to the special lab "Raising the Curtain" about Teacher Training Course on April, 10, for the details please contact teacher-training@freedom-dance.com