freedomDANCE Fund

Dear friends! 

We love freedomDANCE and wish more people could join us on the dance floor! 

That’s why since 2015 a freedomDANCE fund has been working to support people who want to join or keep dancing with us but have trouble doing it.

The main purpose of the freedomDANCE Fund is to make our practice available to the people who at the moment are struggling financially. 

We support people:

  • with some physical disabilities;
  • older than 60;
  • who practice regularly and want to keep dancing, but due some circumstance struggle financially;
  • who have chosen to become freedomDANCE teachers and need support;
  • who openly share about our practice and promote it. 

We also support charity projects, which make the practice available to different groups of people with limitations or in need. Please contact us if you know those whom freedomDANCE can help at 

How can I get support?

You need to do a few easy steps to send a request to the freedomDANCE Fund:

Step 1

Please, take a few minutes to find a quiet place and settle down. Take a seat in a comfortable position and solitude and invite silence… 

Listen inside and ask yourself a question: «What amount of financial help do I really need to be able to participate in a certain workshop or series of freedomDANCE classes?» 

Invite the principle of BALANCE: ask for enough, but not more, than needed.

Step 2

Follow the link to fill in the form. You will need to provide information about yourself and the event you are planning to join.

Step 3

Wait for an answer from the Fund. It can take up to 10 days to get the response. The Fund may give the sum that is possible at the moment. After getting the response you will know the sum approved and the money will go directly to the organizer of the event. 


The form should be filled in no later than 2 weeks before the event.

You see, it’s easy!

See you on the dancefloor!

How to support the Fund?

Life changes: sometimes we need support, sometimes we are able to support others… 

Our Fund loves balance and invites you to keep it in your life and to help the Fund as much as you can.

freedomDANCE Fund is financed by people who are willing to donate. Sometimes these are dancers who want to share, sometimes even those who have asked the Fund before.

When you donate to give somebody an opportunity to dance - it is like sharing your abundance letting it flow around and back into your life.

Donating to freedomDANCE Fund is easy. You can transfer money via PayPal - - "to friends".

We are grateful for any size of donation. And it may be not only in the form of money. We are open to any form of cooperation. We always need volunteers in different spheres, so if you have some talents you want to share with our school, you are more than welcome! Please write to us:

You can also buy some things with our logo (notebooks, water bottles, bags etc.) 

All the money will go to the Fund.

Big acknowledgement to those, who have helped the Fund already, who have donated big or small! 

Together we can give more freedom and dance opportunities to those who need support!