Foundation Level (Level 1.2) Certification

The following material will be covered in the Foundation Level (1.2) training: 

  • freedomDANCE Polarities map: Practice and use in teaching
  • Movement qualities expressed through nine main polarities
  • Embodying different qualities in movement
  • The practice of creating soundscapes for classes
  • The practice of giving instructions and guidance during a class
  • Exercise design and presentation
  • Developing themes for a class and effective methods of presentation and demonstration
  • Structuring classes of up to two hours in duration
  • Dealing with emotional triggers and archetypal roles on the dance floor
  • How to talk about the practice and promote our classes
  • Grounding and centring techniques
  • Overview of the freedomDANCE Elements Map

Holders of our Foundation Level (Level 1.2) Certificate can teach open freedomDANCE classes of up to 2 hours in duration and cover Polarities map in addition to Start Level material.