12 June 2019

Meditation (On and Off the Dance Floor)

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About a workshop

Someone will ask: “Is meditation in dance possible at all? Is there a contradiction in terms? Indeed, meditation requires silence and stillness! ”

For many of us who come again and again to the lessons of freedomDANCE, the answer is obvious. We really plunge into a healing meditative state during dance practice! Moreover, our simple method is sometimes the most accessible, easiest way to penetrate the discipline required for meditation. After all, meditation is nothing more than the concentration of own attention, its management. And for this you need an effort of will, a certain discipline.

For some, this seminar will be a soft and fun way to get acquainted with freedomDANCE. Someone from experienced dancers will probably discover additional meaning in practice. However, each of us will meet with other people interested in their development, a sea of ​​excellent music and the opportunity to pamper their body and soul with free dance.

Level 2. Category "Synthesis". Before attending a seminar, it is recommended that you take at least six hours of practice with a certified teacher or freedomDANCE trainee.