15 - 20 September 2019

Sacred Ground

Buy a Ticket

About a workshop

This time, by popular demand, we will again dance at La Bartra, an exceptionally unique and beautiful venue… Within only three hours from Barcelona. Located at the heart of Prades Mountains in Tarragona, at an altitude of 725 meters, La Bartra is one of those special places where nature has been generous in creating fanciful shapes: canyons, cliffs, hills, streams and sources, intertwining in perfect harmony and simplicity. It is amazingly quiet and grounding place. "Love at first sight and Love as it is" as people who know it say.

Dance is a Ritual

Breath is a Spirit

Body is our Sacred Ground

Why do we need to go away looking for a place where we are fully present, where we can experience peace? What do we achieve when we retreat from work, family, friends, all the demands and business of our daily life? What do we find?

our body… our breathing body… our breathing body that moves… a dance…

During a few days together, we will take time to acknowledge the sacredness of our physicality. We will give our full attention to different body parts and discover how that creates different kinds of movement and different energies. We will dance full on and there will be moments to be gentle and slow. At times, we will dance alone in our inner journey, and there will be moments where we will hold space to bear witness to other sacred moving bodies in their journey.

A sacred land.

A sacred time.

A moving meditation journey.

A pilgrimage walk, except the sacred grounds we are walking is our own physical and inner terrain.

This is a third level retreat (Open Heart category). Feel free to join us if you love dance, meditation and conscious movement, and have danced with freedomDANCE teachers or any other ICMTA member teachers for at least 20 hours.

Be with us if you are already teaching conscious movement, or thinking about becoming a teacher.

P.S. If you are not sure please speak to us and we can help you to prepare and get the most out of this adventure.

Is it calling you? Join us.

La Bartra: https://sites.google.com/site/labartraen/home


Workshop fee:

£200 - special offer (before 1 January, 2019)

£225 - early birds (before 15 June, 2019)

£275 - full price (after 15 June, 2019)

(To be paid at the time of registration).

Accommodation and food (5 nights):

Single room - 400 Euro

Double/Shared room - 300 Euro

Triple room - 275 Euro

Room for 4 people - 250 Euro.

(to be paid upon arrival).

Tents and a room for 12 people is also available for lower price.

Rooms will be booked according to the order of registrations.

You are very welcome!


Buy tickets online on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sacred-ground-a-retreat-with-alex-svoboda-tickets-60701663309


Making dance meditation and conscious movement accessible is an important part of freedomDANCE’s mission. That’s why freedomDANCE Fund offers scholarship to those who are sincerely dedicated to the practice and contributing to building our dancing community but unable to pay in full. You need to ask the Fund to support you at least three weeks ahead of the event that you are interested in. For more details please contact Alena, our organiser.