Our school


is a school of dance meditation and conscious movement. Founded in 2009, the school now has around 25 core teachers and trainees. freedomDANCE classes and workshops are available in Austria, Belarus, Greece, Russia, Spain, Turkey, the UK, Ukraine, and other countries, as well as online.

freedomDANCE School is a proud member of the International Conscious Movement Teachers Association (ICMTA). Our teachers and trainees are individual members of ICMTA and adhere to the ICMTA Code of Ethics. freedomDANCE teacher training programmes are fully accredited by ICMTA.

Our Mission

• We make the practice of dance meditation and conscious movement accessible in order to open opportunities for personal growth and realisation of the potential of all who attend our classes 

• We are accumulate the world’s best experience of teaching the practice and we are a leading centre for training, professional development and the mutual support of teachers 

Our Values

• We are committed to quality in everything we do – whether it’s the level of our professional training, ethics, or ways of working with each other. Our work meets the highest international standards and we are integrated into the worldwide community of teachers. 

• We share a deep respect for the unique contribution of each individual – each dancer in the space and each teacher in the circle of their colleagues. We are deeply grateful to both those who came before and those who follow us. 

• We adhere to the principles of partnership. We do not wish to work under anyone and we do not wish anyone to work under us. We co-own and manage the school collectively.